Details of the Methodology Engrossed in the Entire Process
Complete instrumentation of model micro-watersheds in Koraput and Nabaragpur district for measurement of hydrological fluxes, groundwater table fluctuation, soil properties, aquifer parameters and climatic variables.
Instrumentation for recording soil moisture, surface runoff and groundwater table in from 12 MWS covering 36 bench marking sites (A total of 52 Bench marking sites including 2 model MWS).
Collection of socio-economic data, water demands, crop information, existing conservation structures etc. from the model micro-watersheds and also other bench mark watersheds by the LRI study team.
Geo-mophological characterization of micro-watersheds in GIS platform.
Modelling hydrological fluxes such as soil moisture, stream flow, evapo-transpiration and groundwater recharge using SWAT model at MWS scale and downscaling simulation results to LMU scale.
Technical support for development of DSS in selection of suitable soil and water conservation structures and their design based on hydrological information.
Monitoring of data (Socio-economic & Bio-physical) in model MWS and also bench mark sites in selected MWS.
Aquifer mapping based on groundwater storage and zoning of recharge sites within the micro-watershed using multi-factor and multi-criteria decision making approach (Through hired consultant for all the MWS).
Training and demonstration on use of DSS, mobile app and scientific crop management practices for capacity building of the beneficiaries, planners and extension personnel.
Technical support in preparation of DPR for execution/implementation of works.
Project Implementation:
Selection of MWS for the study through DSC&WD and PD, WS of respective districts.
Purchase of field equipment by the DSC&WD for monitoring of data.
Construction of gauging structures for installation of field instruments by the PD, WS of the respective watersheds by the technical guidance of the technical partners.
Installation of field instruments by the technical partners in respective MWS as per the plan for data monitoring. ICAR-IISWC may provide the technical handhold for the installation of runoff and sediment monitoring in selected MWS.
Purchase of other approved instruments by the respective technical partners.
Recruitment of contractual/hired manpower for the work envisaged.
Technical partners provide technical support in development of different DSS through the hired consultant by the DSC&WD.
Capacity building of hired manpower and scientists for monitoring activities and data collection, reporting, analysis, application and generating outcomes for preparation of DPRs etc.
Sharing of knowledge, concept, methodology etc by the technical partners each other for data monitoring, compilation, processing, analysis, reporting etc.
Periodical reviewing and monitoring through workshops, meetings etc to strengthen the weakness if any.
Capacity building of stakeholders and handholding for preparation of DPRs by the PD,WSs.