Welcome to ICAR-IISWC (Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation)

iiswcreward@gmail.com     Mon - Fri 09:00 - 5:30, Saturday,Sunday - CLOSED

Agrisearch with a human touch


  • 1. To provide a comprehensive hydrologic monitoring for assessing science-based watershed planning and management in selected watersheds in Koraput, Odisha.
  • 2. To provide technical support in develop and demonstrate hydrological and conservation planning Decision Support Systems (DSS) for cost-effective planning of various soil and water conservation and rain water harvesting measures.
  • 3. To provide technical guidance to the project implementing agency for the preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for effective planning and implementation of watershed based interventions in the selected watersheds under REWARD-ODISHA.
  • 4. To create awareness and capacity building of watershed field functionaries for effective planning, implementation and monitoring to achieve the project objectives and goal.
  • 5. To monitor watershed based interventions on hydrology, bio-physical and socio-economic indicators in the REWARD-ODISHA watersheds.
भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद - भारतीय मृदा एवं जल संरक्षण संस्थान देहरादून.